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 At Jigsaw Enterprise Training we believe you have a right to be listened to, have your voice heard, and have your views taken seriously about things that are important to you.


Advocacy helps you to speak up about the things that are important to you and Jigsaw Enterprise Training will support you to have your say.  We will talk to you to find out what you want and how you feel.

We will find information to help you make choices, and understand your rights, and how you can use your rights to get your needs met.


You might want an advocate if you are:

Moving from your Parent's home to live in your own home and have a Long-Term Health Condition or Disability.

Need Support with Care Planning if you are getting a Care Package from Adult Social Care, or you do not agree with your current Care Plan

Need help and Support to challenge an Employment and Support Allowance or Personal Independence Payment Decision.


It is your choice if you work with an advocate, you do not have to, but you have a right to have someone to advocate for you and support you.  An advocate does not have to be a professional, as long as it is someone that you trust. 


At Jigsaw Enterprise Training we specialise in Care Act, Article 12, and non-instructed Advocacy, and we have a price plan to suit every budget and individual situation so CONTACT US to see how we can help you or for more information.




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