How to Build Your Business Piece by Piece
By Gemma Blagbrough
£11.99 ( Available 21st June 2022)
How to Build your Business Piece by Piece looks at the journey into self-employment from the viewpoint of a disabled entrepreneur. This book is packed full of advice and information for anyone - with or without a disability - who is wanting to start their own business. It includes action points for you to follow to ensure that you have created a well considered business to launch.
From the Author:
"In How to Build Your Business Piece by Piece the Diary of a disabled Entrepreneur I share with my readers my experiences at different points during my business journey. I hope the book will appeal to all Entrepreneurs or those thinking about becoming self-employed.
The book is written in such a way that as you work through the Chapters in the book and complete the action points within the book by the time you have got to the end, you will have considered and explored key questions and gathered information that can be used to assist you in the writing of your Business Plan.
The reason why I set the book out like this is because I realised that many business owners saw their Business Plan as an afterthought and started their business without one, or had written their Business Plan once and never gone back to it.
Early on in my Business Journey I was advised that you should treat your Business Plan as a working document that is constantly changing and evolving and is a document used to inform your business decisions. The structure of the book shares my experience at certain points of my Business Journey, provides action points for the budding Entrepreneur to complete and refers to resources and people who I have found invaluable during my own Business Journey, along with useful websites and Top Tips from me.
I hope you enjoy reading about the rest of my journey and how you can apply it to your own business. "